How to Fully Unlock Your Creative Potential When Writing Your Stories

“How to Fully Unlock Your Creative Potential When Writing Your Stories” by Georgina Roy | 30th March, 2016 | e-Books India.

“When you’re writing, if you are not able to go inside your story and inside your protagonist’s mind, and let go of reality for that period, it means your creativity is blocked. This can get to the extreme where it’s difficult to put words on the page. The story is there in your mind, you can taste it, but you’re unable to represent it so that others can enjoy in it. Below, we have shown several ways, which you can use whenever you feel you are not enjoying the process of creating and executing a story on the page. The good thing about the tips below is that if they work once for you, they will work every single time – so make time, a weekly schedule where you can incorporate each piece of advice to reach your full creative potential.

  1. Time for yourself
  2. Research and learn
  3. Silence your inner critic
  4. Edit your current work
  5. Follow tangents.”

Read more via How to Fully Unlock Your Creative Potential When Writing Your Stories | eBooks India

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